We have a rich and vibrant extra-curricular life at George Mitchell. There are many ways to get involved and many new interests to discover.
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After School Clubs
We offer a huge range of after school and lunchtime clubs at both Secondary and Primary. We have clubs run by teachers, clubs run by students and clubs run by outside professionals. We have music clubs, gardening clubs, technology clubs, sports clubs, homework clubs, chess clubs, coding clubs, drama clubs and an excellent choir. Truly something for everyone.
Innovation Pod Coding Clubs at George Mitchell Primary
Primary Enrichment

Secondary Enrichment

Music Tuition
Piano Fun Club offers tuition in musical instruments (and not just piano) during the school day. Parents can sign their own children up to learn any instrument, and the school also sponsors a number of child and staff tuition spots.
Primary Enrichment courses
In Years 4, 5 and 6, children have an additional subject titled ‘Enrichment‘ and can choose from a range of exciting 5 week courses offered by teachers. Example courses include Fashion Design, Ev3 Robotics, First Aid, Japanese, Yoga, All about Brazil…and much more.

GM Aspire
Our Inspiring Ambition programme (“GM ASPIRE”) operates throughout the school and includes visits to universities and ambitious sixth forms, a scholarship programme for children interested in pursuing studies at an independent sixth form, and a series of events designed to excite children about the possibilities of Oxbridge application.

Duke of Edinburgh Award
Children in Years 10 and 11 have the chance to take part in our Duke of Edinburgh Award programme. This challenging award includes an expedition and long term volunteering, amongst other requirements.

UCL Partner School
We are very fortunate to be a UCL Partnership School. As well as termly projects, events and visits, we also have access to researchers, scientists and post graduate students who work with us and with our children on multiple levels. We are currently working with archaeologists, mathematicians and scientists through our UCL link.
Some of our recent and upcoming UCL projects include:
“Take Over the Museum” – our Year 5 children design, organise and label a gallery at an actual musem – open to visitors!
“The Child Tutankhamun” – to mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, our Year 3 children are embarking upon a series of workshops ad events exploring the Pharaoh’s young life.
“Creating Aspirations” – a term of multiple activities culminating in an exciting public festival.

The Shetland Space Centre
Our link with The Shetland Space Centre sees our older students involved in a range of hugely exciting global and tailored projects, including the incredible Cansat project (building a satellite in a drinks can – and launching it).
Waltham Forest Inter School Sports
We buy in to the full Waltham Forest Sports offer and take part in a huge range of events, including sports festivals and inter-school competitions.

Leyton Orient
Leyton Orient coaches run lunchtime and after school clubs at the Primary as well as supporting high quality PE lessons throughout the school. We also take part in special events and competitions – and have access to matchday tickets too!.

Holiday Clubs
We run specialist Holiday Weeks on both sites. This year we ran an Easter Cookery School for children in Years 5-8 where children learned how to cook a healthy meal for their families each day, and a Year 6/7 Summer Sports Camp which taught a range of sports skills to students moving into our Secondary Phase.
Sports Clubs
These take place at various points across the week with matches after school:
- Football
- Futsal
- Basketball
- Netball
- Cricket (Summer)
- Athletics (Summer)
International Links
Our Y9 students have been forging links with pen pals in Australia, allowing them to learn about life on the other side of the world!