Intent Statement
At George Mitchell, we believe that there should be no lost learning moments. For us, learning begins at 8.40 during carefully sequenced and planned morning tutorial sessions, delivering a variety of activities, which underpin our academic curriculum areas. Through our ambitious Pastoral Curriculum, we aim to broaden cultural capital, break down barriers, raise aspiration and guide our students to make thoughtful, measured choices. Every morning, tutors are equipped with bespoke resources ensuring that there is both breadth and depth to our pastoral offer. From Current Affairs to Culture and Character, each session gives students the opportunity to learn more about themselves and the world and to develop our core PRIDE values.
Each week, there is a menu of age-appropriate activities, which meet the needs of our learners. Weekly assemblies offer an occasion for the whole year group to gather together. These relate to our “thought of the week” and have been curated to provide thought provoking messages, as well as key information for the week ahead. Quite often, they relate to world events, ensuring our students are very much in touch with what’s going on outside of George Mitchell School. We are equipping our students to be global citizens.
GM-Assembly-Rota-2021-22Current Affairs
Our Current Affairs programme is a further opportunity to strengthen student knowledge and understanding of what is happening, both in the UK and further afield. Students take part in a quiz to establish what they know and they are then able to use the links to consolidate further their comprehension of events.
Literacy and Numeracy
At George Mitchell, we believe that developing student literacy and numeracy is the work of all staff. To this end, there is a weekly tutorial focus on each skill, ensuring that students are constantly supported to improve their Tier 2 vocabulary and higher order Maths understanding.
Academic Engagement
All students regularly engage with their data. SMART targets are set fortnightly with the support of the tutor to enable students to develop responsibility for their own progress. Additionally, students look through their attendance and punctuality data, as well as the number of Achievement Points they have, in order to understand the full picture of the impact their attitudes to learning have on their progression.
Culture and Character
Our fortnightly Culture and Character sessions allow students to focus on the triple aspects of Kindness, Respect and Keeping (themselves and others) Safe from Harm. Through a series of personalised activities, students develop confidence, resilience and the knowledge and understanding to keep themselves mentally healthy. They learn that difference is a positive, and that individual characteristics make people unique. Students are supported and encouraged to be reflective about their own beliefs and perspectives thus cultivating an understanding and an ability to recognise and value the things we share in common across our diverse cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities.
In addition to the extensive careers support available, students are also offered a regular insight into the World of Work. Different careers are spotlighted throughout the year with students gaining an awareness not only of the job itself, but also the routes into which they might achieve that role.
Job Of The Week | MYPATH Careers Resources (
Using a thematic approach, PSHE is delivered via tutors using a spiral curriculum with resources developed by Creative Education. Each half term, a different topic is explored and students are encouraged to mindfully reflect on their learning. Going far beyond the statutory requirements, students learn about diverse topics such as British Values and Politics, Careers and the World of Work and World Health. Each topic is presented in such a way that it is age appropriate, with students returning to themes in subsequent years with updated content which reflects their stage of development.
PSHE-Roadmap-2021 Thought-for-the-Week Word-Of-The-Week-2021-22